Inland Azonal Vegetation
Afrotemperate, subtropical and azonal forests
Zonobiomes, zonoecotones and azonal vegetation along the Pacific coast of North America
Sexual Systems and Ecological Correlates in an Azonal Tropical Forests, SW China
Halophytic vegetation along the Arabian coast - azonal or linked to climatic zones?
Two-dimensional computations of multi-stage compressor flows using azonal approach
Thermal Attributes of Rock Weathering: Zonal or Azonal? A Comparison of Rock Temperatures in Different Environments
The páramo vegetation of Ramal de Guaramacal, Trujillo State, Venezuela. 2. Azonal vegetation.
Monographie Alnus incana-reicher Waldgesellschaften in Europa Variabilität und Ähnlichkeiten einer azonal verbreiteten Gesellschaf...
Monographie Alnus incana-reicher Waldgesellschaften in Europa: Variabilit盲t und 脛hnlichkeiten einer azonal verbreiteten Gesellscha...