Accessional variations in Rauvolfia serpentine seedsInter-accessional variation for salt tolerance in pea (Pisum sativum L.) at germination and screening stageThe Hough Transform Accessional Strategy with Gray Constraint for Airfield Target Recognition in Infrared ImageExperimental Study of the Sequence of Flow Reversals in Accessional Airways Parallel to a FireAn Improved Algorithm of Radon Transform Based on Gray Constraint Accessional StrategyClinical Research of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment for Accessional Teeth Caries in ChildrenApplication in the treatment of pulpitis of accessional teeth when Scandonest was injected using the local anesthetic delivery systemA New on-Column Conductivity Detection for Microchip Based on Accessional Solution Conductor Between Separation Channel and ElectrodesStudy for the advantage of four-handed technique in pit and fissure sealants on pediatric patient accessional teethGLU-DT1 ALLELIC VARIATION IN SYNTHETIC HEXAPLOID WHEATS DERIVED FROM DURUM CULTIVAR ‘DECOY’ × AEGILOPS TAUSCHII ACCESSIONAL CROSSES