Effect on smoking quit rate of telling patients their lung age: the Step2quit randomised controlled trial.An Analysis of the Quit Rate in American Manufacturing IndustryDeterminants of Differences in the Quit Rate among IndustriesThe Impact of Seniority Provisions on the Manufacturing Quit RateHigh quit rate among smokers with tuberculosis in ...Rekrutierung, Implementation und Aufhörrate eines Rauchstopp-Kurses für Jugendliche [Recruitment, Implementation and Quit Rate of ...Workers' Market Behavior and the Dual Economy:The analysis of inter-industry variation in quit rate in the United StatesRESPONSE TO GREENE ETAL .: INDUSTRY FUNDING AND PLACEBO QUIT RATE IN CLINICAL TRIALS OF NICOTINE REPLACEMENT THERAPY: A COMMENTARY O...COMPENSATION LEVELS AND QUIT RATE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOREffect on smoking quit rate of telling smokers their health risk appraisal in terms of health age: a randomized control trial.