- The subsidies debate is a red herring.
关于补助的争论不过是转移注意力的幌子。 - The police often put out such red herrings to scare the culprit into panicking.
Red Herring
Red Herring?
Red-shifts and red herrings in geographical ecology
Red‐shifts and red herrings in geographical ecology
Spatial autocorrelation and red herrings in geographical ecology
Ageing of population and health care expenditure: a red herring?
Overcompensation by plants: Herbivore optimization or red herring?
The resource curse revisited and revised: A tale of paradoxes and red herrings
Kernel Density Estimators of Home Range: Smoothing and the Autocorrelation Red Herring
Conversational Interaction and Second Language Development: Recasts, Responses, and Red Herrings?