De verdubbeling van de wereld: weerstand in de therapie bij tweede generatie migratieregelateerde identiteitsproblematiekIsotopic signature of debris-rich ice formed by regelation into a sediment bedCOMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL BACKGROUND BY USING REMOTE SENSING IMAGES IN HAMI CITY REGIONSoft-bed experiments beneath Engabreen, Norway: regelation infiltration, basal slip and bed deformationCutting ice: nanowire regelation.Distributed cross-layer optimization in wireless networks: A second-order approachAlpine subglacial hydrologyNumerical investigation of the interplay between wall geometry and friction in granular fault gougeDyeing method of plastic lens and dyeing deviceUNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE (UAV) WITH INTER-CONNECTING WING SECTIONS