Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula)Putting Linguistics into Speech Recognition: The Regulus Grammar CompilerPhylogenetic Signal in the Song of Crests and Kinglets (Aves: Regulus)Competition and fat deposition in Goldcrests (Regulus regulus) at a migration stop-over siteMitochondrial phylogeny of the genus Regulus and implications on the evolution of breeding behavior in sylvioid songbirdsMuju virus, a novel hantavirus harboured by the arvicolid rodent Myodes regulus in KoreaEgg-Laying and Regulation of Egg Temperature during Incubation in the Goldcrest Regulus regulusFat deposition and migration capacity of robins erithacus rebecula and goldcrests regulus regulus at ottenby, SwedenThe habitat and spatial relations of breeding Phylloscopus warblers and the goldcrest Regulus regulus in southern FinlandFirst Results from the CHARA Array. I. An Interferometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Fast Rotator α Leonis (Regulus)