REmap 2030: A Renewable Energy RoadmapIRAP and REMAP assessments of genetic similarity in riceBlock remap with turnoff: a variation-tolerant cache design techniqueIRAP and REMAP: two new retrotransposon-based DNA fingerprinting techniques.A staggered grid, Lagrangian-Eulerian remap code for 3-D MHD simulationsRemap: Recursive Estimation And Maximization Of A Posteriori Probabilities In Connectionist Speech RecognitionHigh-order dimensionally split Lagrange-remap schemes for ideal magnetohydrodynamicsVisuo-tactile links in covert exogenous spatial attention remap across changes in unseen hand postureGenetic relationships of Diospyros kaki Thunb. and related species revealed by IRAP and REMAP analysisMethod for providing a fault tolerant network using distributed server processes to remap clustered network resources to other serve...