SPATIAL-TEMPORAL CHANGE OF REMISED LAND PRICE IN URBAN AREA OF BEIJINGTheoretical Research on Commercial Housing Land of Medium-Low Price Remised as Limit Price HouseAn Analysis of the Concessionaire and Type in Remising the Operational Right of Tourist Attraction AreasSPATIAL ANALYSIS METHOD FOR METROPOLITAN LAND PRICE AND ITS APPLICATION IN BEIJING都市地价空间分析方法及其应用——以北京市为例Application of GIS and Gradient Shift Theory of Residence Remise Land Price in Beijing1994~1999年北京市住宅出让地价时空分布研究BBQ GrillThe ostrich, the albatross, and public health: an ecosocial perspective--or why an explicit focus on health consequences of discrimi...Gingival Hyperplasia as an Early Diagnostic Oral Manifestation in Acute Monocytic Leukemia: A Case ReportLack of specificity of brain gangliosides in the modulation of lymphocyte activation