- A coin of Saudi Arabia worth 1/100 of a riyal.
Bacterial contamination of Saudi "one"Riyal paper notes.Carry Trade Profitability Using Pegged Currency: A Case of the Qatari RiyalRiyal Politik: The political economy of Gulf investments in the Horn of AfricaSTRATEGI IMPLEMENTASI INKLUSI DAN LITERASI KEUANGAN PADA BMT SYARIAH RIYAL KOTA BEKASIGolfe-Egypte : une riyal politik au service d’une plus grande autonomie stratégique ?Saudi Arabia launches 750 million riyal agricultural project in SudanRiyal's Ectoplasmic ShieldSaudi riyal coin detection and recognitionRiyal Outlook: Three Possible OptionsSelf-porating polymersomes of PEG–PLA and PEG–PCL: hydrolysis-triggered controlled release vesicles