- It is white on the head, rump and underparts and dark grey on the back and wings.
它的头部、尾部、胸部和腹部呈白色,背部和翅膀均呈深灰色。 - He ordered a juicy rump steak.
他要了一份多汁的后腿肉牛排。 - The whip cracked down on the horse's rump.
鞭子啪地一声抽在马屁股上。 - After the election the party was reduced to a rump.
Determining esophageal length from crown-rump length.
A critical evaluation of sonar "crown-rump length"measurements.
Fetal crown-rump length: reevaluation of relation to menstrual age (5-18 weeks) with high-resolution real-time US.
The relationship between fertility, rump angle, and selected type information in Holstein-Friesian cows
Sonar Measurement of Fetal Crown-Rump Length as Means of Assessing Maturity in First Trimester of Pregnancy
Underestimation of gestational age by conventional crown-rump length dating curves.
Measurement error of mean sac diameter and crown-rump length among pregnant women at Mulago hospital, Uganda
Incidence and significance of unequal gestational sac diameter or embryo crown-rump length in twin pregnancy
Daily changes in the curved crown-rump length of individual sheep fetuses during the last 60 days of pregnancy and effects of differ...
Analysis on the relationship between fetal frontal angle measured by ultrasound and the crown-rump length