Fish Fauna Composition in Disturbed and Undisturbed Sites in Asap, Belaga
Estimating effects from small deviations in RBMK refueling
Silo propanoolisisaldus ja selle seos teiste fermentatsiooninäitajatega
Improving the Precision of INCA by Eliminating Solutions with Spurious Cycles
Puzzles in geometry which I know and love
Phase fluctuations of radio waves experiencing total reflection from a randomly inhomogeneous plasma layer
effect of the strenght of gamma ray dosage on bactericidal, sporicidal and viricidal effects, veterinary medicine, FMD. Vliyanie mos...
Mortality Probability Models (MPM II) Based on an International Cohort of Intensive Care Unit Patients
Refining intensive care unit outcome prediction by using changing probabilities of mortality