- The rurality of the small village I am living is very beautiful.
我居住的那个小村庄的田园风光非常漂亮。 - The scenic spot emphasizes the rurality and agriculture zoology with a theme of naturalness.
Conceptualizing rurality
An index of rurality for England and Wales
Rurality, Institutional Disadvantage, and Achievement/Attainment
The new rurality: globalization, peasants and the paradoxes of landscapes.
Distance, rurality and the need for care: access to health services in South West England
Socio-cultural representations of greentrified Pennine rurality
Talking about rurality: Social representations of the rural as expressed by residents of six English parishes
Contested countryside cultures: otherness, marginalisation and rurality.
Person and place: the compounding effects of race/ethnicity and rurality on health.
Assessing the Impact of Differential Operationalization of Rurality on Studies of Educational Performance and Attainment: A Caution...