- Most contemporary critics thought Gruen had succeeded in bringing urbanity to the suburbs.
大多数同时代的评论家认为,格伦已成功地把都市风格融入了郊区。 - She was deeply impressed by his urbanity.
他的彬彬有礼给她留下了深刻的印象. - The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity.
女主人招待客人进餐时风雅而又得体。 - Urbanity is a quality you have to possess from within.
Pleasures and Costs of Urbanity
Making a city: Urbanity, vitality and urban design
Fostering Urbanity in a Mobile Society: Linking Concepts and Practices
Neoliberal Urbanity and the Right to the City: A View from Beirut's Periphery
Hemeroby, Urbanity and Ruderality: Bioindicators of Disturbance and Human Impact
Reclaiming Urbanity: Indeterminate Spaces, Informal Actors and Urban Agenda Setting:
Race and Urbanity Alter the Protective Effect of Education but not Income on Mortality:
Urbanity, Lifestyle and Making Sense of the New Urban Cultural Economy: Notes from Auckland, New Zealand
Hemeroby, urbanity and ruderality: bioindicators of disturbance and human impact. Journal of Applied Ecology 39(5): 708-720
Adiposity among children in Norway by urbanity and maternal education: a nationally representative study