Denkwerkzeuge der Kreativität und Innovation
New Holland, T6 Auto Command in anteprima al Sima 2013
Rhino poaching update
Synthesis of enantiomerically pure ( S )-mandelic acid using an oxynitrilase–nitrilase bienzymatic cascade: a nitrilase surprisingl...
Isolation and characterization of a nitrile hydrolysing acidotolerant black yeast - Exophiala oligosperma R1
Conversion of mandelonitrile and phenylglycinenitrile by recombinant E. coli cells synthesizing a nitrilase from Pseudomonas fluore...
Characterisation of the substrate specificity of the nitrile hydrolyzing system of the acidotolerant black yeast Exophiala oligosper...
The combi-CLEA approach: enzymatic cascade synthesis of enantiomerically pure (S)-mandelic acid
Prevalence of self-reported musculoskeletal pain in the Austrian population
Apparatus for removal of residues by means of pyrolysis