Isolation and PCR Amplification of Genomic DNA from Market Samples of Dry Tea
NUCLEIC ACIDS, PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, AND MOLECULAR GENETICS: Tissue-specific and Androgen-repressible Regulation of the Rat Dehydroepia...
Classical Ethylene Insensitive Mutants of the Arabidopsis EIN2 Orthologue Lack the Expected 'hypernodulation' Response in Lotusjapon...
Chapter 10. Reflections on Cultural Human Rights : Human Rights in Our Own Backyard Injustice and Resistance in the United States
Chapter 23. Human Rights in the United States: The “Gold Standard” and the Human Rights Enterprise : Human Rights in Our Own Backy...
The Human Rights Enterprise
The Human Rights Enterprise
Dissipation kinetics of glyphosate in tea and tea-field under northwestern mid-hill conditions of India
Role of invertase activity in processing quality of potatoes: Effect of storage temperature and duration
Monthly variation in physico-chemical characteristics of a wetland of North Bihar (India)