- When arriving at Saturn in July 2004, the Cassini orbiter will begin to circle and study the Saturnian system.
Saturnian magnetospheric dynamics: Elucidation of a camshaft model
A Saturnian longitude system based on a variable kilometric radiation period
Infrared observations of the saturnian system from voyager 2.
An update to a Saturnian longitude system based on kilometric radio emissions
Voyager observations of Saturnian ion and electron phase space densities
Temperatures, winds, and composition in the saturnian system.
The Gravity Field of the Saturnian System from Satellite Observations and Spacecraft Tracking Data
Sizes, shapes, and derived properties of the saturnian satellites after the Cassini nominal mission
General characteristics of hot plasma and energetic particles in the Saturnian magnetosphere: Results from the Voyager spacecraft
The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets VII - Two short-period Saturnian companions to HD 108147 and HD 168746