- Clouds scud past still unhurried!
乱云飞渡仍从容! - The scud had banked over the moon, and it was now quite dark.
- The yacht was scudding along before the wind.
那只帆船正乘风笔直疾驶。 - You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky, and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle.
SCUD:Saccharomyces CerevisiaeUbiquitination DatabaseFatal error: how patriot overlooked a scudSleeping under the threat of the Scud: war-related environmental insomniaStress reaction of school-age children to the bombardment by SCUD missiles.Mothers' functioning and children's symptoms 5 years after a SCUD missile attackUptake, depuration and biotransformation of anthracene by the scud Pontoporeia hoyi ☆Stress reactions of school-age children to the bombardment by Scud missiles: a 1-year follow-upRetraumatization of Holocaust survivors during the Gulf War and SCUD missile attacks on IsraelFamilies in the Sealed Room: Interaction Patterns of Israeli Families During SCUD Missile Attacks †Children in war: Stress and coping reactions under the threat of Scud missile attacks and the effect of proximity.