- I use a scythe for cutting grass.
- The workers are scything in the meadow.
ScythingAdjoint folds and unfolds: or: scything through the thicket of morphismsAdjoint folds and unfolds: or: scything through the thicket of morphismsScything the grass: agenda-setting consequences of appointing public inquiries in the UK. A longitudinal analysisOutlying haymaking lands at S lendet, central Norway: effects of scything and grazingNutrient Limitation in Boreal Plant Communities and Species Influenced by ScythingGovernments’ Reactions to Fiscal Distress – Removing the Weeds or Scything the Grass?Some effects of scything and other management procedures on the plant and animal life of N. Swedish wetlands formerly mown for hay [...Biomass studies in semi-natural ecosystems influenced by scything at the Solendet Nature Reserve, central Norway. I.Rich fen communityBiomass studies in semi-natural ecosystems influenced by scything at the SØlendet Nature Reserve, Central Norway. III. Tall herb bi...