- The People's Republic of China Banzai!
中华人民共和国万岁! - Everybody cheers together network banzai!
System and method for driving electric vehicle
Essential role of neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein in neurite extension in PC12 cells and rat hippocampal primary culture cel...
D-Cloud: Design of a Software Testing Environment for Reliable Distributed Systems Using Cloud Computing Technology
Identification and characterization of mRNA transcripts differentially expressed in response to high salinity by means of differenti...
Identification and characterization of mRNA transcripts differentially expressed in response to high salinity by means of differenti...
Large-Scale Software Testing Environment Using Cloud Computing Technology for Dependable Parallel and Distributed Systems
Seminal plasma inhibin-B level is a useful predictor of the success of conventional testicular sperm extraction in patients with non...
Calcium ion release from calcium hydroxide stimulated fibronectin gene expression in dental pulp cells and the differentiation of de...
Sonographic findings in muscle strain injury: clinical and MR imaging correlation.
Molecular cloning and characterization of genes encoding BURP domain-containing protein in the mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza