private sector私营部门;私营成分
financial sector财政部门
public sector国营部门经济;政府资助的企事业;社会经济的公有部份
banking sector银行业;银行部门
government sector政府部门
service sector服务部门,服务行业;服务业
manufacturing sector制造业;制造部门
third sector第三部门
economic sector经济部门;经济成份
commercial sector商业部门;商界
boot sector n. 引导扇区;启动磁区
informal sector非正式部门
tertiary sector第三产业(服务业);第三产业部门
sector gear[机]扇形齿轮,扇形轮
- perceive superficially
- The government made an investigation of the employment in the public and private sectors.
政府对国营和私营部门的就业情况作了一次调查。 - Fashion is one sector of the beauty industry.
时装是美容行业的一个部分。 - We must be careful not to confuse a segment and a sector.
我们必须小心不要把细分市场和部分市场混淆。 - The enemy attacked in the southern sector.
- A sector of a cylindrical capacitor may thus be utilized as an energy filter.
柱面扇形电容器可作为能量过滤器。 - Your professional reputation will be in the spotlight as this coming Friday's full moon will light up your honors and recognition sector.
当即将到来周五的满月照亮你象征荣耀与褒奖的扇形面时,你职业上的名誉将得到瞩目。 - There are several sectors unusable in this disk.
Environmental paradigms in sustainability reports of energy sector organizations
Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two-Sector Analysis
Reinventing government: how the entrepreneurial spirit is transforming the public sector
Understanding the Small Business Sector
Indefatigable CA1 Sector Neuroprotection With Mild Hypothermia Induced 6 Hours After Severe Forebrain Ischemia in Rats
Understanding the small business sector - Storey,DJ
...HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector...
Financial Intermediation, Loanable Funds, and the Real Sector
Energy Consumption in Residential Sector and Future Role of Gas
℉inancial Intermediation, Loanable ℉unds, and the Real Sector