- The Seneca Nation has led the fight against taxing of Native American products, saying treaties stated they would not be taxed.
Seneca : Remote mirroring done writeThe EC/EURONUT SENECA project: nutritional status of elderly people in EuropeFood patterns of elderly Europeans. SENECA InvestigatorsIntake of energy and nutrients. Euronut SENECA investigatorsSeneca Valley Virus, a Systemically Deliverable Oncolytic Picornavirus, and the Treatment of Neuroendocrine CancersEnergy balance and health in SENECA participants. Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly, a Concerted Action.Dietary quality, lifestyle factors and healthy ageing in Europe: the SENECA studyLongitudinal changes in iron and protein status of elderly Europeans. SENECA Investigators.Longitudinal changes in the intake of energy and macronutrients of elderly Europeans. SENECA Investigators.Energy intake and micronutrient intake in elderly Europeans: seeking the minimum requirement in the SENECA study.