A Sensate Liner for personnel monitoring applications
Sensate composition imparting initial sensation upon contact
The sensate free superior gluteal artery perforator (S-GAP) flap: a valuable alternative in autologous breast reconstruction.
Use of a volatile cooling sensate on fibrous tissues to provide a sensation of rhinological decongestion
The gluteal thigh flap: a reliable, sensate flap for the closure of buttock and perineal wounds.
One-stage total penile reconstruction with a free sensate osteocutaneous fibula flap.
The combined sensate radical forearm and iliac crest free flaps for reconstruction of significant glossectomy-mandibulectomy defects
A new bilobed design for the sensate radial forearm flap to preserve tongue mobility following significant glossectomy.
Anti-dandruff and anti-itch compositions containing sensate and sensate enhancer-containing compounds
The Wearable Motherboard: a flexible information infrastructure or sensate liner for medical applications.