Kainic acid lesions of the striatum: behavioural sequalae similar to Huntington's ChoreaSEQUAL/FOCAL: First year results on the circulation in the equatorial AtlanticMucosal disease: a late sequal to fetal infectionGenetic and pharmacological manipulation of urotensin II ameliorate the metabolic and atherosclerosis sequalae in miceHigh frequency oscillations and their correlation with the wind forcing during the first sequal yearEffects of nimodipine on the behavioral sequalae of experimental status epilepticus in prepubescent ratsMetformin Overdose With a Resultant Serum pH of 6.59: Survival Without SequalaeDocument confidentiel pour imprimante laser ou jet d'encreManagement of Sequalae Using EMG Rehabilitation, Botulinum Toxin and SurgeryHistories of child trauma and complex post traumatic sequalae in women with eating disorders