Transmission of HIV to infants whose mothers seroconvert postnatally.Antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 vaccine efficacy trial participants who seroconvert.Estimation of the risk of immuno-silent donations from repeat donors who seroconvert.Non-responders to egg grown influenza vaccine seroconvert after booster immunization with MDCK cell grown vaccineSeroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection and seroconvertion to anti-HBsAg in laboratory staff in Goiânia, GoiásBreastfeeding-associated HIV transmission among women who seroconvert during late pregnancy and during breastfeedingThe Balm of Gilead: Is the Provision of Treatment to those Who Seroconvert in HIV Prevention Trials a Matter of Moral Obligation or ...Frequent and rapid emergence of mutated pre-C sequences in HBV from e-antigen positive carriers who seroconvert to anti-HBe during i...Educational level and HIV disease progression before and after the introduction of HAART: a cohort study in 989 HIV seroconverters i...Switch to unusual amino acids at codon 215 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase gene in seroconvertors i...