A real-time head nod and shake detector
Some uses of the head shake
The citalopram/5-HTP-induced head shake syndrome is correlated to 5-HT2 receptor affinity and also influenced by other transmitters.
Relationship of the head impulse test and head-shake nystagmus in reference to caloric testing.
A real-time head nod and shake detector using HMMs
8-OH-DPAT and buspirone analogs inhibit the ketanserin-sensitive quipazine-induced head shake response in rats
Shake-your-head: revisiting walking-in-place for desktop virtual reality
Effects of stimulus duration and repeated sessions on habituation of the head-shake response in the rat.
Chronic cocaine exposure potentiates prolactin and head shake responses to 5-HT2 receptor stimulation in rats
Head shake computerized dynamic posturography in peripheral vestibular lesions.