barium sulfate[化]硫酸钡
barium carbonate碳酸钡;沉淀碳酸钡
barium titanate[化]钛酸钡
barium chloride[化]氯化钡
barium meal[医]钡餐
barium hydroxide氢氧化钡
barium enema[医]钡灌肠
barium salt钡盐
barium chromate铬酸钡
barium sulphate 硫酸钡(等于barium sulfate)
barium nitrate[化]硝酸钡
- Barium sulfate is a radiopaque substance.
钡硫酸盐是一种辐射光不能穿透的物质。 - The foreign body can be shown up on a barium swallow.
Barium in Deep‐Sea Sediment: A Geochemical Proxy for Paleoproductivity
Strontium and barium uptake in aragonitic otoliths of marine fish
Built-Up Films of Barium Stearate and Their Optical Properties
A titrimetric method for the micro-determination of barium
The photospheric barium spectrum: Solar abundance and collision broadening of Baii lines by hydrogen
Meta-analysis of air contrast barium enema, computed tomography colonography, and colonoscopy
Timed barium oesophagram: better predictor of long term success after pneumatic dilation in achalasia than symptom assessment
Analysis of air contrast barium enema, computed tomographic colonography, and colonoscopy: prospective comparison.
Small bowel: preliminary comparison of capsule endoscopy with barium study and CT
Wireless capsule video endoscopy is a superior diagnostic tool in comparison to barium follow-through and computerized tomography in...