Notes on the Life History of a Pot Sherd
Extensive Sherd Scatters and Land Use Intensity: Some Recent Results
The Use of Sherd Weights and Counts in the Handling of Archaeological Data
Comment on dates from a resin-coated sherd from Spirit Cave, Thailand
Accurately Estimating Sherd 3D Surface Geometry with Application to Pot Reconstruction
The Definition of Ancient Manured Zones by Means of Extensive Sherd-Sampling Techniques
Analysis of Site Stratigraphy and Formation Processes Using Patterns of Pottery Sherd Dispersion
Provenance of temper in a New Kingdom Egyptian pottery sherd: Evidence from the petrology and mineralogy of basalt fragments
Late-Terminal Classic Maya Pottery in Northern Belize: A Petrographic Analysis of Sherd Samples from Colha and Kichpanha