- I understand, beyond the surf beating barranca.
Los Xenarthra de Gran Barranca, más de 20 Ma de historia
Los Xenarthra de Gran Barranca, más de 20 Ma de historia. –
A geochronology for the Sarmiento Formation at Gran Barranca
The paleontology of Gran Barranca : evolution and environmental change through the middle Cenozoic of Patagonia
The paleontology of Gran Barranca : evolution and environmental change through the middle Cenozoic of Patagonia
Estratigrafía de la Formación Sarmiento en la barranca sur del lago Colhue Huapi, provincia de Chubut
Middle Tertiary marsupials from central Patagonia (early Oligocene of Gran Barranca): understanding South America’s Grande Coupure
Middle Tertiary marsupials from central Patagonia (early Oligocene of Gran Barranca): understanding South America’s Grande Coupure
Palynology of the Lower Lefipan Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Barranca De Los Perros, Chubut Province, Argentina Part II. Angiospe...
Differences in diversity of corticolous lichens between interior and edge of the Monte Barranca semi-deciduous forest, Santiago de C...