grand canyon n. (美)大峡谷
grand canyon national park(美国)大峡谷国家公园
- A canyon usually has a river flowing through it.
峡谷常常有河流经过其中。 - Arizona is famous for the Grand Canyon.
Canyon geometry and the nocturnal urban heat island: Comparison of scale model and field observations
The Effect of Glines Canyon Dam on Hydrochorous Seed Dispersal in the Elwha River
Scattering of plane sh waves by a semi‐cylindrical canyon
Assessing fire regimes on Grand Canyon landscapes with fire-scar and fire-record data
Temperature decreases in an urban canyon due to green walls and green roofs in diverse climates
Laboratory transmission of Jamestown Canyon and snowshoe hare viruses (Bunyaviridae: California serogroup) by several species of mos...
Anticipated Effects of a Temperature Control Device on Fishes of the Colorado River Through Grand Canyon, Arizona
Numerical study on the effects of aspect ratio and orientation of an urban street canyon on outdoor thermal comfort in hot and dry c...
Joint determination of 40 K decay constants and 40 Ar∗/ 40 K for the Fish Canyon sanidine standard, and improved accuracy for 40 Ar...
Isolation of Remaining Populations of the Native Frog, Rana muscosa , by Introduced Fishes in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park...