- She stepped into the room and sat down in a sofa.
她走进屋子在沙发上坐下。 - I need to sit down and rest my weary limbs.
[Sit down]
The rise and fall of popular-front aesthetics Tuesday, March 11 Images of mid-20 C labor. Songs by Hanns Eisler & Pete Seeger C. W...
"Sit Down, Shut Up"fits the series trend, unfortunately
Stand up, sit down, keep moving: turning circles in physical activity research?
Rear entry booth and seat for a sit-down video game
"Just sit down so we can talk:"perceived stigma and community recreation pursuits of people with disabilities.
Just sit down so we can talk: Perceived stigma and the pursuit of community recreation for people with disabilities
Sit down at the ball game: How trade barriers make the world less food secure
Sit down facial and neck muscles exerciser device
Power mower with stand-on and sit-down modes
Summary and Comment: Frequency of Sit‐Down Patient Care Rounds, Attainment of Clinical Performance Targets, Hospitalization, and Mo...