Detection of cucumber mosaic virus and lily symptomless virus from bulb scales of Maximowicz's lily by enzyme-linked immunosorbent a...
Reactions of Silicon–Silicon Bonds, VI. Reductive Trichloroslilylation Reactions Leading to Alkyl- and Dialkylaminobis(trichlorosil...
Leichtlin lily as the variety of Maximowicz's lily
Mining Herbaria For Clues To the Historic Prevalence of Lily Leaf Spot Disease (Pseudocercosporella inconspicua) On Gray's Lily (Lil...
The Authority of the Lily and the Bird in Kierkegaard's Lily Discourses
Downton's Lily James, who plays [...]
Cause and Impacts of the Early Season Collapse of Lilium grayi (Gray's lily), on Roan Mountain, TN/NC
天使的百合=THE ANGEL’S LILY 英汉对照
Here's Lily (The Lily Series)
Impacts of Goat Browsing and Disease on Lilium Grayi, Gray's Lily, on Roan Mountain.