- Agnes was all done up in a slinky black number.
艾格尼丝盛装打扮,着一身黑色衣服,窈窕动人。 - She appeared in a slinky satin dress.
她穿着紧身的缎料连衣裙出场。 - For work-related events, it's better to skip the low-cut or slinky dress.
Slinky: Static Linking Reloaded
"Slinky"coils for neuromagnetic stimulation.
Numerical modeling of slinky-coil horizontal ground heat exchangers
Formation and locking of the ``slinky mode'' in reversed field pinches
A novel electric design for electromagnetic stimulation--the Slinky coil.
Systematic assessment and evaluation of sliding interleaved kY (SLINKY) acquisition for 3D MRA.
Numerical simulation and sensitivity study of double-layer Slinky-coil horizontal ground heat exchangers
Experimental measurement and numerical simulation of horizontal-coupled slinky ground source heat exchangers
Vertical gradients in regional lung density and perfusion in the supine human lung: the Slinky effect
Ligand Influences on Copper Cyanide Solid-State Architecture: Flattened and Fused "Slinky", Corrugated Sheet, and Ribbon Motifs in t...