用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- slow afternoon沉闷的下午
- slow child反应慢的孩子
- slow erosion缓慢的侵蚀
- slow journey缓慢旅行
- slow learner迟钝的学习者
- slow march缓步行进
- slow music慢节拍的音乐
- slow poison慢性毒药
- slow progress缓慢的进展
- slow pupils迟钝的学生
- slow reason淡季
- slow recovery缓慢的恢复
- slow runner跑得慢的人
- slow town落后的城镇
- slow train慢车
- slow vehicle行驶缓慢的车
- slow walk缓步行走
- slow walker走得慢的人
名词+~~+动词不定式~+介词- slow at在…方面缓慢的〔迟钝的〕
- slow at accounts不善于算账
- slow at arithmetic不擅长算术
- slow at figures不善于计算
- slow at sb's work工作缓慢
- slow in在…方面缓慢的〔迟钝的〕
- slow in action行动缓慢
- slow in learning English学英语很迟钝
- slow in making up one's mind迟迟拿不定主意
- slow in reacting反应迟钝
- slow in understanding理解力迟钝
- slow of在…方面缓慢的〔迟钝的〕
- slow of hearing听觉不灵
- slow of learning学得慢
- slow of speech不善辞令
用作副词 (adv.)
动词+~- drive slow驾车慢行
- play slow弹奏得慢
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- slow the car放慢车速
- slow the horse放慢马速
~+副词- slow down〔up〕降低速度
- slow down〔up〕 a motorcar放慢汽车速度
slow down减速,放慢速度;使……慢下来
go slow怠工;慢慢走
slow speed慢速,低速
slow but sure龟兔赛跑;虽然慢但最后一定胜利
slow motion慢动作;慢镜头
slow start慢启动;缓慢起动
slow wave慢波
slow moving滞销的;动作缓慢的
slow response反应迟钝
slow cooling缓冷
slow fire文火;慢火;慢射
slow time 标准时间(等于standard time)
slow up(使)慢下来
slow lane慢车道;慢线
slow axis慢轴(晶片的);慢速轴
slow learner n. 学习迟缓者;学的慢的人
slow train慢车
- Creeping is a slow method of progression.
爬是一种很慢的行进法。 - The slow computer bogged us down.
- Business is going slow these days.
这些日子,商业活动慢慢减少。 - My watch is five minutes slow.
- You have to slow down your car at the crossing.
在十字路口, 你得放慢速度。 - Slow up while the car is over the bridge.
汽车过桥时要放慢速度。 - Why Google toolbar slow down my browser?
为何谷歌快捷方式列会让我的浏览器慢的像乌龟? - One wants to slow but time does not await him.
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