Party and Purge in Smolensk: 1933-1937Party and Purge in Smolensk: 1933â1937Politics for the few: Elites in Bryansk and SmolenskPolitics for the Few: Élites in Bryansk and SmolenskLocal Government and State Authority in the Provinces: Smolensk, February-June 1917[An epidemiological investigation of a tularemia outbreak in Smolensk Province]Regression models for the behavior of heavy metals in soils of the Smolensk-Moscow UplandDiscourses of Public Identity and Liberalism in the February Revolution: Smolensk, Spring 1917Privileges of the grand dukes of Lithuania for the Smolensk land (middle of the 15th century - Beginning of the 16th century)Soviet decision making and bureaucratic representation: Evidence from the Smolensk archive and an American comparison