snack food小吃;零食;快餐食品
snack bar小吃店;快餐柜
snack street小吃街
- We are in a hurry so we have to make doing with a quick snack .
我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃 - Usually I only have a snack at lunchtime.
我中午通常只吃点心。 - Apples are a more nutritional snack than popcorn.
- If you snack too much, you may get fat.
零食吃的太多,你会长胖的。 - She likes to snack while watching TV.
BCAA-enriched snack improves nutritional state of cirrhosis
Snack food intake does not predict weight change among children and adolescents
Evaluation of snack foods from barley-tomato pomace blends by extrusion processing
A sensor network application construction kit (SNACK)
Meal and Snack Patterns Are Associated with Dietary Intake of Energy and Nutrients in US Adults
Energy‐Dense Snack Food Intake in Adolescence: Longitudinal Relationship to Weight and Fatness
A pricing strategy to promote low-fat snack choices through vending machines.
Increasing the portion size of a packaged snack increases energy intake in men and women
TV Messages for Snack and Breakfast Foods: Do They Influence Children's Preferences? | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford Academic
Optimization of oven toasting for improving crispness and other quality attributes of ready to eat potato-soy snack using response s...