'Secretary Snafu' May Cost Researchers, Universities
Snafu: Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) Runtime Design and Implementation
Correlation and Causation: A Logical Snafu
Companies don’t learn from previous IS snafus
Research grants. 'Secretary snafu' may cost researchers, universities
Towards hacker literacies: What Facebook's privacy snafus can teach us about empowered technological practices
Technical fairy first class? Is this any way to Run an Army?: Private Snafu and World War Ii
A Virtual Explosion or SNAFU is Always Better Than a Real One: Exploring the Use of Virtual Worlds for Simulation and Training…and ...
Europe's SAP scrambles to stem big glitches: software giant to tighten its watch after snafus at Whirlpool, Hershey
Clinical, Serologic,and ParasitologicFollow-Up after Long-Term Altopurinot Therapy of DogsNafurally Infected with Leishmaniainfantum