- The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
随着新股民的增加,基金上涨了。 - The chimney was blocked by an accretion of soot.
烟囱被聚积的煤烟子堵塞了。 - The mythical story has been overlaid by literary accretions.
Accretion Power in AstrophysicsAccretion power in astrophysicsTectonic models for accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic BeltGamma-ray bursts from stellar mass accretion disks around black holesInstability, Turbulence, and Enhanced Transport in Accretion DisksFormation of the Giant Planets by Concurrent Accretion of Solids and Gas ☆Accretion leading to collision and the Permian Solonker suture, Inner Mongolia, China: Termination of the central Asian orogenic beltAccretion Leading to Collision and the Permian Solonker Suture, Inner Mongolia, China: Termination of the Central Asian Oragenic BeltAging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acidsGravitationally redshifted emission implying an accretion disk and massive black hole in the active galaxy MCG63015