with bated breath (因恐惧、焦虑而)屏息地,不出声地[见 breath] , (因恐惧、紧张、焦虑、敬畏等)屏息地,屏息以待地,期待地,焦急地
- Orthogonal experiments were used to determine influence of some factors in acid bating on qualities of leather.
对酸性蛋白酶的分子量进行了测定,对比了酸性蛋白酶与胰酶中的胶原酶活力,以说明酸性酶软化与胰酶软化对胶原性质的影响。 - Comparative studies about the activity of domestic trypsin and foreign normal temperature bating enzyme in different conditions were described.
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