SpeculumSpeculumSpeculumDisposable speculumEvaluation of vaginal infections in adolescent women: can it be done without a speculum?Ptosis following radial keratotomy. Performed using a rigid eyelid speculumThe Speculum of Ignorance: The Women's Health Movement and Epistemologies of IgnoranceIs a speculum examination sufficient for excluding the diagnosis of ruptured fetal membranes?Book Review: Public Privates: Performing Gynecology from Both Ends of the Speculum. Terri Kapsalis. (1997). Du...A locking device for a vaginal speculumILLUMINATED SURGICAL SPECULUMG. Matino: La sintassi di Eschilo. (Speculum 19.) Pp. 256. Naples: M. D’Auria, 1998. Cased. ISBN: 88-70...The Mediaeval Academy of America: Proceedings of Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Corporation