- The battle axe is usually an arm-length weapon borne in one or both hands.
战斧的柄长一般为一只手臂的长度,单双手持均可。 - When Twala sees Incubu flashing his ax in the first rank of the Grays, his heart will grow faint.
Battle-Ax Division: From Africa to Italy with the 78th Division, 1942-45The Ransom of Battle-AxCiti wields middle-market battle-axTODAY'S NURSE: MORE MOTHER THAN BATTLE-AXCherry's on top in a surefire portrayal of a battle-ax nunCiti wields middle-market battle-ax; EAB acquisition provides the edge.(Citigroup Inc. buys European American Bank)(Brief Article)Armed with a lawyer instead of a battle-ax, San Jose biker club takes on copsEvolution of calc-alkaline magmas at the early Quaternary Battle Ax volcano, Western Cascade Range, OregonINVASION OF THE...BATTLEAX; Heard the One about the Mothers-in-Law Who Moved in for a Week with Their Families? as Femail's Guinea P...NIGHTLIFE; PLAYING with FIRE; A flaming battle ax. Fire eaters. Ninjas. This weekend's show at the Bedlam Theatre promises a differe...