- A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services.
国家的生活标准取决于其生产商品和服务的能力。 - They lead a high standard of living.
Standard of living
Standard Of Living
Standard of Living
Material standard of living, social class, and the prevalence of the common mental disorders in Great Britain.
The Worldwide Standard of Living since 1800
The Mortality Divide in India: The Differential Contributions of Gender, Caste, and Standard of Living Across the Life Course
Multidimensional Measures of Well-Being: Standard of Living and Quality of Life Across Countries
The Enhancement of Standard of Living
The Secular Trend in the Biological Standard of Living in the United Kingdom, 1730-1860
The biological standard of living in Europe during the last two millennia
Body mass index as indicator of standard of living in developing countries.
On the Puzzling Cycle in the Biological Standard of Living: The Case of Antebellum Georgia ☆
Household energy consumption versus income and relative standard of living: A panel approach