- We hoped that we should be able to do that.
The developmental pattern of resistance to peer influence in adolescence: Will the teenager ever be able to resist?
On scales of sensation: Prolegomena to any future psychophysics that will be able to come forth as science
Leaders Need to Be Able to Manage Change
Will European soil‐monitoring networks be able to detect changes in topsoil organic carbon content?
Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dy...
Cerebro-splanchnic oxygenation ratio (CSOR) using near infrared spectroscopy may be able to predict splanchnic ischaemia in neonates
Will second-generation ethanol be able to compete with first-generation ethanol? Opportunities for cost reduction.
Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to come forward as science : the Paul Carus translation
Will we be able to 'spot' an effective HIV-1 vaccine?
challenges facing currency usage: will the traditional transaction medium be able to resist competition from the new technologies? |...