statutory body法定机构;法定组织;法定团体
statutory law成文法
statutory authority法定权限
statutory holiday n. 法定假日
statutory agent法定代理人
statutory duty法定责任
statutory rape法定强奸罪
- There's no question of bypassing a statutory procedure.
法定程序是回避不了的。 - This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
这项保证不会影响你的法定权利。 - No one can excess the statutory juristiction.
任何人都不得超越法令的管辖权。 - In short, both the statutory context and the policy choices presented in this area are atypical.
Legislatures and Statutory Control of Bureaucracy
Preference-Estimating Statutory Default Rules
Statutory Social Workers: Stress, Job Satisfaction, Coping, Social Support and Individual Differences
Extensions and violations of the statutory SEC form 10-K filing requirements
Divided care and the Third Way: user involvement in statutory and voluntary sector cancer services.
Choosing Strategies to Control the Bureaucracy: Statutory Constraints, Oversight, and the Committee System
The legal and functional status of the medical proxy: suggestions for statutory reform.
False Imprisonment & Refusing to Assist a Police Officer – The Need for Statutory Offences
[Assessment of mammography screening and its introduction in Germany in the Statutory Early Diagnosis Program].
Concepts and Indicators of Local Authority Performance: An Evaluation of the Statutory Frameworks in England and Wales