- I want to be a wolf walking in snow night,and live a stimulative life forever.
我想我应该学习雪夜中行走的狼,永远都过最刺激的生活。 - In fact, science and technology are mutually containing and stimulative.
事实上,科学与道德是相互蕴涵,相互促进的。 - Restrictive and stimulative quantity relationships existed among lint yield components.
Stimulative and inhibitory effects of bacteria on the growth of microalgae
Stimulative and inhibitory effects of bacteria on the growth of microalgae
Effects of stimulative and sedative music on cognitive and emotional components of anxiety
Stimulative Effects of Arthropods on Endomycorrhizas of Sugar Maple in the Presence of Decaying Litter
The Effect of Background Stimulative Music on Behavior in Alzheimer's Patients
ER|[beta]| exerts multiple stimulative effects on human breast carcinoma cells
Stimulative effects of Drynariae Rhizoma extracts on the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells.
Stimulative effect of prostaglandins on production of hexosamine-containing substances by cultured fibroblasts (2) early effect of v...
Metformin blocks the stimulative effect of a high-energy diet on colon carcinoma growth in vivo and is associated with reduced expre...
Algire C, Amrein L, Zakikhani M, Panasci L, Pollak M.. Metformin blocks the stimulative effect of a high energy diet on colon carcin...