- A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received.
The dual factor structure of self-rated MDQ hypomania: energized-activity versus irritable-thought racing - Journal of Affective Dis...
Control of volatile organic compounds by an AC energized ferroelectric pellet reactor and a pulsed corona reactor
The cellular target of histatin 5 on Candida albicans is the energized mitochondrion.
Studies of the energy-transfer system of submitochondrial particles. Fluorochrome response as a measure of the energized state.
Role of an energized inner membrane in mitochondrial protein import. Delta psi drives the movement of presequences.
Computation of Potential at Surface Above an Energized Grid or Other Electrode, Allowing for Non-Uniform Current Distribution
Transient calcium 45 uptake and release in isolated rat liver cells during recovery from de energized states
Multicolor organic light emitting devices
Implantable non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensor
Vehicle compass with electronic sensor