stoloniferous:A Comparative Study of Spacer Plasticity in Erect and Stoloniferous HerbsA comparative study of spacer plasticity in erect and stoloniferous herbsA Spatially Explicit Population Model of Stoloniferous N-Fixing Legumes in Mixed Pasture with GrassSpatial structure of stoloniferous herbs: an interplay between structural blue-print, ontogeny and phenotypic plasticityLeaf and shoot demography of an arctic stoloniferous grass, PUccinellia phryganodes, in response to grazing.High Benefits of Clonal Integration in Two Stoloniferous Species, in Response to Heterogeneous Light EnvironmentsStudies on the Population Biology of the Genus Viola: IV. Spatial Pattern of Ramets and Seedlings in Three Stoloniferous SpeciesClonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanther...Differential effects of light quantity and spectral light quality on growth, morphology and development of two stoloniferous Potenti...