- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick.
Aqueous subbing for extruded thermal dye receiverSubbing layer for composite thermal dye transfer ID card stockValidity and responsiveness of the EuroQol as a measure of health-related quality of life in people enrolled in an AIDS clinical trialEnvironmental Taxes and the Choice of Green TechnologyManagement practices for control of runoff losses from cotton furrows under storm rainfall. I. Runoff and sediment on a black VertosolSimple bacteriological methods to assess changes in subgingival microflora produced by metronidazole-containing acrylic strips place...Modulus of Rupture as an Index of Crusting of Soil1Hierarchical assembly of the eggshell and permeability barrier inC. elegansPhotographic elementsPROCESS FOR IMPROVING PHOTORESIST ADHESION