How to Sublate "Pure Literature"and "Left-Wing Literature"?
Carbachol excites sublaterodorsal nucleus neurons projecting to the spinal cord.
Studies in the Mechanism of Sublate Removal by Solvent Sublation. Part I
Fungal Metabolites. IX. Triterpenes From Naematoloma sublateritium
Evidence that neurons of the sublaterodorsal tegmental nucleus triggering paradoxical (REM) sleep are glutamatergic
Genetic inactivation of glutamate neurons in the rat sublaterodorsal tegmental nucleus recapitulates REM sleep behaviour disorder
The n-butanol fraction of Naematoloma sublateritium suppresses the inflammatory response through downregulation of NF-κB...
Localization of the GABAergic and non-GABAergic neurons projecting to the sublaterodorsal nucleus and potentially gating paradoxical...
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of the antitumor clavaric acid-producing basidiomycete Hypholoma sublateritium.
A squalene epoxidase is involved in biosynthesis of both the antitumor compound clavaric acid and sterols in the basidiomycete H. su...