Substitutionary narration and description
Tertullian and penal substitutionary atonement
Penal Substitutionary Atonement and Concern for Suffering: An Empirical Study
Clement of Alexandria and penal substitutionary atonement
Bent Speech and Borrowed Selves: Substitutionary Logic and Intercessory Acts in Measure for Measure
Competitiveness and Decent Work in Global Value Chains: Substitutionary or Complementary
The Beauty of the Cross: Retrieving Penal Substitutionary Atonement on Jonathan Edwards’ Aesthetic Basis
Violence and the Cross: Fullerism's Answer to Contemporary Attacks on Substitutionary Atonement
For the wages of sin is... banishment: An unexplored substitutionary motif in Leviticus 16 and the ritual of the scapegoat
Categorizing Patient-Provider Secure Email Communications to Measure Substitutionary Effect on In-Person Services