Mobbing: Subtile kriegsführung am arbeitsplatz
Thelotrema subtile and Verrucaria muralis New to Korea
Sphagnum Subtile (Russow) Warnst. and Allied Species in North America
Engineering Influence: The Subtile Power of Small States in the CSCE/OSCE
Anamorphs in Mycocalicium albonigrum and M. subtile (Caliciales)
Spatial Pattern and Gene Flow Distances in Sphagnum subtile
Sphagnum majus subsp. norvegicum and Sphagnum subtile, new to the Iberian Peninsula.
Intraspecific variation in Mycocalicium subtile (Mycocaliciaceae) elucidated by morphology and the sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 r...
Bifidobacterium animalis (Mitsuoka) comb. nov. and the 'minimum' and 'subtile' groups of new bifidobacteria found in sewage.
Two dimensional gel electrophoresis method for investigation of human plasma proteins: detection of subtile changes during filtratio...